Thursday, July 26, 2012

batik case

ga tau ini namanya apa tapi sejenis walletorganizer gtu cuma bahannya dari batik.
pas dibuka ada 3 tempat untuk handphonne nempel gitu 3 buah dan ada satu dompet mini yang nempel juga didalamnya.
beli case ini karena bahannya empuk ky bantal jadi aman klo buat naro kamera dan gadget2 lain :)
belinya gasengaja di mini bazar yang ada di kantor :D

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rainbow Cake at The Goods Diner

penampakan rainbow cake The Goods Diner

Yaks karena pengaruh trend rainbow cake yang lagi happening bgt, jadi searching-searching dimana rainbow cake yang enak. walaupun sekarang banyak bgt yg jual rainbow cake ini sampai di Holland Bakery pun jual! Tapi gak berani  beli rainbow cake sembarangan, karena gue tau how the truly cake it tasted (cih gaya banget lo baru juga makan red velvet Union jadi begini).

yak dan akhirnya kesimpulan setelah tanya mbah gugel kebanyakan pada bilang rainbow cake yang enak ini yah di The Goods Dept, tapi berhubung The Goods Dept di PI udah tutup jadi beli di The Goods Diner yang ada di SCBD Fairground sebrang gedung The Energy *kebetulan lagi ngelayap ke grand lucky waktu istirahat kantor*  (fyi. The Goods Diner ini satu company dg The Goods Dept).

begitu langsung nyampe kantor, langsung deh gue poto (xixixi bukannya dimakan), nah diatas penampakannya yah.

sepertinya memang udah jalannya gue ga cocok sm rasa di rainbow cake, dari yang paling murah sampe di the goods yg paling mahal, semuanya ga bikin pengen beli lagi.

harga yang amat mahal hanya untuk sepotong rainbow cake

Thai Tea botolan

nemu thai tea kemasan botol di grand lucky, beli karena mau nyobain rasa thai tea langsung dari Thailand, ternyata ga enak bgt! rasanya kaya bajigur mungkin karena udah di taroh di botol! lebih enak thai tea bikinan sendiri *serius ga narsis ini* 
fyi harganya 16.500 IDR

Created with PhotoShake for Android

Monday, July 2, 2012

Red Velvet at Union Plaza Senayan

yeah after asked to mbah google about the most delicous red velvet cakes in Jakarta.
finally i have just tested one of them.
Here, i made the resume which are the most delicious red velvet cakes :
1. Union in Plaza Senayan
2 .Convivium in Panglima Polim 

and the one which i tested is Red Velvet Cakes at Union where located in Plaza Senayan (because Union is closer from my office)
and this is the review .....

the atmosphere at Union is so cozy and crowded, so that's why we have just got one and half hours to hanged out (the waiter wrote the time 5.45 - 7.30 and put it on the table). wewwwww..
one slice of red velvet cakes @ Union

I only ordered red velvet and rasberry iced tea
i ordered one slice red velvet for myself because i thought that i could eat all the whole cakes, but after bite per bite made me so full, so i could not eat one slice and i give you some tips now, if you want to order one slice of cakes, let's share it with your friend and the one you must concern about Union is the price is so pricey, so you should be careful yeah. hihih.